expressed his thoughts|express his thought in English

made is opinion known, voiced his ideas, communicated his beliefs

Use "expressed his thoughts|express his thought" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "expressed his thoughts|express his thought" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "expressed his thoughts|express his thought", or refer to the context using the word "expressed his thoughts|express his thought" in the English Dictionary.

1. He expressed his thoughts with customary firmness and logic.

2. He expressed his thought by a euphemism.

3. And he expressed his thoughts in down-to-earth language.

4. Listen as the householder gives his thoughts, then acknowledge and express appreciation for his comments.

5. His actions reflect his thoughts.

6. Ever since Christmas, the thought of the amethyst brooch seemed to hover in his thoughts.

7. When I graduated from the eighth grade, my report card read: “Limited vocabulary, unable to express his thoughts.”

8. His paper would then engross his thoughts.

9. His thoughts wandered back to his childhood.

10. He delighted to express his appreciation of God’s Word by weaving his thoughts around eight basic Hebrew words and then casting these thoughts into an acrostic or alphabetical Hebrew poem of 176 verses.

11. His thoughts drooped with fatigue.

12. He unclothed his secret thoughts.

13. We express our thoughts by speech.

14. 21 Where thoughts serenely sweet express.

15. He shivered, his thoughts in turmoil, his pulse racing.

16. His thoughts drifted forward in time from his novitiate.

17. He tried to assemble his thoughts.

18. He tried to crystallize his thoughts.

19. She occupied all his waking thoughts.

20. Let the wicked forsake his way andevil man his thoughts.

21. His voice cut into her thoughts.

22. His voice cut through her thoughts.

23. His inmost thoughts are not healthy.

24. His love of nature was expressed through his wildlife paintings.

25. His breeches , his white rubber shoes and his jauntily slung waterproof expressed youth.